Saryn Darrath

Mighty dragon, perhaps son of Varkar, leader of assault on Vorsand

"A vast, dark bulk settled majestically out of the snow-whipped sky, blocking most of what light there was, and touched down in the valley, filling most of it. A head the size of a large house swept from side, and deep-set eyes alive with ancient wisdom and evil regarded each of them in turn."

"Setram had been large and powerful, but next to this creature he was a mere lizard. A thrill of fear touched the edges of each of the companions' minds, and each knew that Saryn Darrath was reining in the effects of his dragonfear lest it break their minds. A voice like huge boulders tumbling over each other in an underground riverbed spoke, shaking the ground on which they stood."

Saryn Darrath was given the Sceptre of the Dragon Lords by Gorfang and broke it, freeing the dragons from Skufruss' control and precipitating the Fall of Vorsand. He led the attack and remained in the Versate Pass after the battle, though not in Vorsand itself.

If the Drachenfels can be said to have a ruler, it is Saryn Darrath.

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