Delloch, Archpriest

Head priest of the order of Aderra in all Alair, based in the Basilica in Narthal

Head priest of the order of Aderra in all Alair, Delloch is a very intelligent and humane man. The vanity and lack of thought exhibited by Vardar Peacock annoyed and frustrated him, as did the latter's obvious jealousy at the Basilica being higher up the hill than the palace.

He concieved and funded the quest for the sword Mergil, initially as a plan to provide the king with a new piece of royal regalia to boost his self-esteem. However, the actual results, though they didn't please Vardar Peacock, were entirely satisfactory to Delloch.

Delloch took Kedos Peacockson under his wing for some of his early schooling, hoping to make him into a far better king.

He was assassinated in 1618, probably on the orders of Vardar Peacock, though nothing was ever proved.

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