Cresting and Decals

8  Time is beginning to press - there's a Clout Practice Day at Stalybridge June 1st, and I'd like to have these ready for then.  29th May - Arrows have been finished with my usual woodstain; the brown this time as these are Falcons (striking from above, ahahaha) but this time varnished over.   I replaced the plastic pipe bit of the cresting jig with some of the same rubber stuff I used for the barrelling, and it holds them much steadier, much happier with the crests. 9  The decals from Dave Shackleton are a new thing, waterslide transfers, hands up all those who remember putting those on Airfix kits..? Old skills came in handy. Unfortunately, they're a little long for the 1" white band, and the chaos symbol gets lost on the Cheshire Blue. Revised crest next time.  On to fletching with the snazzy low-profile fletches.