20230715 101943  As you can see, the white bits of PVA have dried clear 20230715 102033  I’m still experimenting with options here, mostly Contrasts; here I'm using Agrax which gives a good overall result.   Several other test pieces shown; if you want a more ‘solid’ colour use regular paints. You may need to thin them first. 20230715 102214  Slosh it on with a big brush, don't worry if a few bits come off. Dislodge any particles that have ended up stuck to the model  gently with a scalpel - usually underneath or on the legs. 20230715 102411  Back under the curing lamp and do something else. Couple of hours is usually enough for this. In the winter you can pop them on top of a radiator in the transit tray. Note the visual depth the grit has acquired at Tabletop range.