
HiPop world well run by a bureacracy

0601 C-554986-C Hi G 5200 F7 V F7 D 101 Im 30

Along with Vidazerlor and Inversar, Alter is a High Population world and supports a full billion people. A vast civil service bureaucracy - the Lynorial - runs every aspect of the population's lives. Rather surprisingly, this works pretty well and popular support for the Lynorial is sufficient to allow a fairly liberal legal system. Such was their confidence that they established a colony on Odiela to provide an outlet for surplus population. This hasn't been an unqualified success; unrest on Odiela has required far stricter control and a revolt is not unlikely. Colonials returning to Alter are regarded with suspicion as dangerous mavericks, although Alter is otherwise pretty hospitable to off-worlders.

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