Portsmouth 14/11/2019

Archers Bows Arrows Rounds Scores Graphs Top Page

First round with the Frost Pendragons!

Date Archer Bow Arrows Round Location Score Hits Golds Class
14/11/2019 Hugh pre COVID Revenant (Longbow) Frost Pendragons Portsmouth KSC Indoor 439 60 10 (Indoor Bowman 1st)


Generated by ArcheryScores v2.01
End ET End ET Doz RT Hits Golds Dist
10,10,9,8,7,7 51 9,8,8,8,7,7 47 98 98 12 2 20 Y
10,8,7,7,7,6 45 10,10,7,7,6,4 44 89 187 12 3 20 Y
9,8,7,6,5,2 37 10,9,9,8,7,7 50 87 274 12 1 20 Y
10,10,8,6,6,4 44 9,7,7,4,4,2 33 77 351 12 2 20 Y
10,9,8,8,6,5 46 10,9,9,8,3,3 42 88 439 12 2 20 Y
Totals 439 60 10