
Berephor Lizardman 1655 Author of a book on the flora and fauna of the Trakar swamp
Kathas Lizardman 2100 Lizardman shaman to Mardain
Krizzen Lizardman 1626 Advanced Lizardman warrior and priest of Shushkrah
Lizardmen Lizardman - The lizardmen, originally of the Trakar Swamps, used as the backbone of Varkar Barduric's armies
Mardain Lizardman 2100 Emissary from the lizardmen come to warn Tzallis about the Cult of the Dragon
Mokric Lizardman 2100 Bodyguard to Emissary Mardain
Red Lizard (Layder) Lizardman 1655 Lizardman hero, leader of mission send to destroy the Crysmyrlor
Venia Lizardman 1655 A shraltir or dark paladin of Shushkrah, sent with the Red Lizard to destroy the Crysmyrlor