Fal Torth

Ancient giantish empire

Many thousands of years ago, during the time of the elven dominion over what is now called Known Alair, a mighty empire dominated a vast range of the cold, barren and little-known lands to the north of the Engereor Mountains. Fal Torth was inhabited by several different species of similar creatures, collectively known to other races as giants. These species were different (in some cases, very different) to their modern descendants, and far more numerous and organized.

Their society was structured and hierarchical, with the Karrend or storm giants forming the nobility, the Denvrend (frost giants) and Nazrend (fire giants) the officer cadre and middle-class, and the Thralrend (the ancestors of what are now called hill giants), by far the most common, forming the bulk of the population. Thankfully rare, the brutal and uncontrollable Slyrrend (now occasionally seen as mountain giants) were used as enforcers and strike troops. While these species were far more civilized and sophisticated than their modern remnants, they were by no means less aggressive or evil, and the empire of Fal Torth was constantly at war with its’ northern and eastern neighbours.

It was broken by Niotanv, Speaker of the Red Curse.

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