Guild Venter

Financial institution in Lossal, then Reital; bank, money changers, financiers

A huge hall, lined with counters for lesser customers, and private desks for the important folk, each with comfortable settles and existing in isolation in a private pool of lamplight from a green-shaded desk lamp. Behind looped red rope barriers were clerk desks, and doors, and more guards. The high arched windows had magnificent and baroque metalwork spanning them decoratively and protectively. Odd bosses appeared here and there in the wall decorations, probably magically enchanted. Each guard stood just exactly in the right place so as to be able to see the maximum area, and to be seen by at least two others. The doors into the interior were covered ten ways.

Whoever had set up the security of this place was a true genius. It was impregnability cubed.

In the aftermath of the Fall of Tarlanor, Guild Venter relocated to Reital before the dragons came south and destroyed Lossal.

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