
The Dark Angel, Orcus' prime battle commander

In person she was a formidable sight. Standing over seven feet tall, clad in heavy black armour, she was extremely beautiful with long golden hair spilling over her broad armoured shoulders. Her celestial heritage was clearly visible as she adjusted her always bloodstained black feathered wings. Despite her beauty, her face was tinged with a weariness of soul and a deep bitterness; her voice with ironic amusement.

Resting by her side was a great sword and a huge metal shield. The shield was decorated with an eight-pointed star - a symbol of dual meanings, designating the arms of Chaos and her guards the Arrowheads, which were never too far away.

She was a unique creature, once one of Lord Orcus' trusted servants, but seduced away by Gra'zat. Half fiend, half celestial; as well as being one of the most skilled tacticians of the Lower Planes, she was also a formidable warrior.

She lives and breathes battle and battlefields. For thousands of years, war and command have been her only activity, and it dominates her every thought and deed. Few creatures anywhere in the multiverse can match her tactical genius.

Joining forces with Surya the Black, she betrayed Gra'zat to aid Orcus regain his realm in return for sole command of his forces under him afterwards.

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