Ghetto of Outcasts

District of Erelhei-Cinlu

This filthy district is the last destination for fae mhor undesirables,
including criminals, beggars, half-breeds, and the survivors of
fallen noble houses. House Xaniqos has dominion over the
ghetto, and in typical fashion, Lady Thandysha has ambitious
plans for its use. Her agents have purchased several local taverns and brothels, and she recruits the neighborhood's more skilled
residents as killers, spies, and guards.

The rest of the fae mhor in Erelhei-Cinlu shun the district,
leaving its inhabitants to their own devices. In return, the
residents have created a nightmarish society ruled by criminal
gangs and brutal thugs. From time to time, a talented resident
rises up from the grinding poverty and regains influence in the
city, but for the most part, the downtrodden fae mhor of the ghetto
remain oppressed, poor, and utterly without hope.
Foreigners sometimes visit the ghetto, and a handful even
live here. Ironically, compared to other districts in the city, the
Ghetto of Outcasts is relatively safe for outlanders because
common fae mhor ignore the district, and residents are too far gone
to care who they rub shoulders with.

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