
Orc Goddess (Fertility, females, caves and healing)

Luthic governs several spheres. She is the goddess of female orcs, orcish fertility (more so for females; Gruumsh is the male fertility god), caves and caverns (which she digs herself), servitude (as she serves Gruumsh), and primitive medicine, and she helps restore orcish morale.

Luthic is the deity closest to Bahgtru, her son, and he will follow her commands over all others’, even those of Gruumsh. Other orcish gods and goddesses fear her great claws, which are so strong they can tunnel through solid rock. Orcish clerics call her the Cave Mother and conduct her services underground.

Though she represents female orcs, she is worshipped by males as well for her ferocity and her healing powers.

Luthic appears as a huge female orc who wears no armor, but has unbreakable black claws four feet long. Her hair and eyes are dull black and her skin is dark brown with a medium brown on the nose and ears. If she hears anyone abuse her name, orc or non-orc alike, she may choose to render that being susceptible to any disease, so that the next time the victim catches even the most minor of ailments, it will prove fatal within days.

Orcs who follow her worship sometimes rub dirt on themselves to ensure they will have many children, and clerics use earth in casting curative spells (though this is purely a symbolic gesture and not a true material component of the spell). Luthic’s worship is one of the few that allow male and female orcs to become clerics; nearly all of the other deities permit male clerics only.

Orcs in her tribe (Vile Rune) generally dwell underground, and seem to commit fewer raids against other creatures, though they are especially fierce if their lair is threatened.

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