
Erlyid Goddess (Love)

Lilyx is the patron of those in love, those who seduce and are seduced, and the sensual, but also the marrying and married, those who seek and find joy in each other. Her temples are sometimes decried as whorehouses by other churches - but no-one can deny they are places of some happiness.

Lilyx is the Goddess of Love, and unsurprisngly for a decadent Empire, she is very earthy and erotic in nature. She delights in the success of love, in the pressing of a suit, and the wiles of a seducer. Her ceremonies often incorporate sex as part of the celebration, and her priests and priestesses are invariably very comely and very skilled. Oddly, she is also the Godddess of Marriage, blessing unions and answering prayers for offspring - often with explicit directions.

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